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The EPCOT International Festival of the Arts 2023
Best Disney Cell Phone Accessories
10 Best Disney Snow Globes
There is just something magical about the snow globe. The design is simple: atop a pedestal lies a glass orb, filled with water, containing flakes and possibly a figurine or other sort of decoration. Yet, the effect of tilting or shaking the sphere and watching the flakes tumble, spin, and flurry in slow motion is enchanting. This is especially true for children, who may not know the mundane truth of the globe and instead see another world.
The Disney Company, no stranger to childhood magic, creates snow globes of their own. Some of them are dazzling works of art in their own right. Here is a list highlighting ten of the best Disney snow globes you could own.
WonderGround Gallery: Arts, Prints, and Signs
The Disney Company was built on selling art. Sure, their films (and music, and theme parks, and video games, and so on) are always designed and optimized for the purpose of entertainment. Sure, they always think about their bottom line and expect to turn a profit by appealing to the masses. And yet, their creations always strive for emotional resonance, or thematic power, or pushing the boundaries of the chosen medium — or some combination. This is a way of saying it is art.
Of course, another way to define “selling art” is to find or commission artwork from other people and sell them in a gallery. Here is some information about Disney’s own take on the concept: Wonderground Gallery.
Loungefly: Chic Designer Items Based on Disney
Of all the people who make it a point to keep up with fashion trends, many make a distinction between chic styles and pop culture. Chic is what is in, and it can be bold, experimental, and above all us, good-looking. It does not often ally itself with pop culture, viewing it as a lower form of culture. Fashion based on that would be derivative at best and trashy at worst.
Many other fashion enthusiasts, as well as more casual shoppers who just want something that looks good, are not as troubled about the distinction. Some designers and entertainment companies have taken note, including, naturally, Disney. Here is some information about Loungefly’s Disney designer fashion accessories.
Disney Ears and Other Character Headpieces
Many people enjoy wearing Disney-themed clothing, whether they are packing for a theme park visit or just feeling in the right mood. Shirts, pants, sweaters, and various attire of the Mouse House’s beloved characters can be found in many department stores and mall outlets. The reasons are clear: great iconography, clever designs, a sense of nostalgia or whimsy, and even a geeky sort of fun.
Of all the great Disney-themed clothing out there, one type is more iconic than all the others. Every entertainment brand offers tees and hoodies, but only this one has the Disney ears. Here is some more information on these trademark hats, as well as other great headwear from Disney.
Captain America: The First Avenger
By July 2011, the Marvel Cinematic Universe had grown into
four movies and clearly announced their intentions to connect them with a
then-highly ambitious crossover. They had already introduced almost everyone
who would comprise the first incarnation of the Avengers: Iron Man, Hulk, Black
Widow, Thor, and Hawkeye. All that remained was Captain America, the man who
gained superpowers in a government experiment, fought in World War II, and
remained encased in ice until the modern day. The character presented some
surprising challenges with the story and especially the characters. They had to
get it right — and amazingly, they did.
Captain Marvel
For a full decade after its inception, the Marvel Cinematic
Universe did not have one film with a sole female lead. Black Widow was a
founding member of the Avengers, yet had no superpowers and no film for
herself. The same goes for Gamora, of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Even Hope
Van Dyne, The Wasp, had to share the title with Ant-Man. The world only saw
Marvel achieve this in 2019 when they centered a movie on the tale of a female
soldier realizing her extraordinary potential. Captain Marvel came far later than it should have, but now that it
is here, we can enjoy the thrills of a different kind of hero.
The Incredible Hulk
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is not called a film universe
just because it is good marketing. It is a mega-series consisting of smaller
series that happen to intertwine. There are three Iron Man films, three Captain
America movies, three Thor
flicks, and so on. Some of the newer characters in the universe, such as Black
Panther and Doctor Strange, only have one so far.
This makes the case of the Hulk quite unusual: he had one standalone movie in 2008 and never had another. Many fans of the character find this a pity: that first Hulk movie, only the second in the entire MCU, is quite interesting for what it is, and looking back on it as a bizarre and rather a rewarding experience for any MCU enthusiast.
Iron Man 2
If you ask a random selection of filmgoers to name their
favorite film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many will likely point to the
very beginning. More than ten years and 21 films later, 2008’s Iron Man remains among the franchise’s
most popular movies. It retains its global appeal not just for being the
exciting and accessible introduction to the style of Marvel Studios, but also
for its action, humor, and strong performances from the entire cast. Little
wonder, then, that the character of Tony Stark is also integral to other MCU
favorites like The Avengers, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and both halves
of the Infinity War Saga.
With that said, many of the lead character’s biggest fans
tend to overlook the other two standalone Iron
Man films. This may be because the first one is a tough act to follow by
any standard, and plenty of other characters have taken the spotlight in the
succeeding decade. However, casual viewers and hardcore devotees alike can find
something interesting in the further adventures of Tony Stark. Iron Man 2, in particular, deserves at
least some level of reassessment from those who have not seen it since its
release in 2010.
Disney Die-Cast Cars and Racers
When you were young, were you a Hotwheels kid, a Matchbox
kid, or just an undiscriminating fan? Regardless of which you were, odds are
that if you were a child within the past seventy years, you were — and possibly
remain — an enthusiast for toy cars. These playthings have long sparked
imaginations, and much of that appeal comes from the imaginations of the cars’
The die-cast car is surprisingly malleable: you can give it
just about any design, and as long as it has wheels and goes fast, kids will
enjoy it. That’s why these tiny automobiles come in all shapes and sizes, from
real-life vehicles to pure-cool hot rods to the outright fanciful. That’s also
why Disney fans take so much joy in finding toy cars modeled after their
favorite characters and theme parks.