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  2. Other Conditions
Any additional conditions included in the comments block of any order shall be deemed optional, and not legally binding in any way shape or form. It will be, at the sole discretion of CDI Marketing and it's executors, whether to honor said conditions, or to completely disregard such conditions. Additionally, conditions arbitrarily added by a customer without prior conversation and / or instruction by CDI Marketing, may be found as sufficient reason for the order to be cancelled and the customer banned from purchasing items on our website or that of any of our affiliates.
CDI Marketing's own terms and conditions supersede any and all terms and conditions imposed by any other entity, to the limit lawfully enforcible.
CDI Marketing reserves the right to make changes to any order comments, removing customer generated and arbitrarily added additional conditions, even after an order is placed and before the order is fulfilled.
CDI Marketing reserves the right to change any of its terms and conditions, at any time, with or without notice, for any reason, or no reason at all.